At Oral Clinic, we believe that a well-informed patient is a reassured patient. That’s why we’ve created this FAQ page, a collection of answers to the most frequently asked questions at our dental clinic. From preventing tooth decay to understanding complex dental treatments, we cover a wide range of topics to dispel any doubts and give you peace of mind before your dental appointment. Explore our questions and answers to help clarify some aspects of dental care, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

When should I visit the dentist ?

If you have any tooth, jaw or gum pain, please make an appointment with your dentist without delay. If you don’t have any particular problems, we recommend that you have your teeth scaled at least once a year, to ensure good dental hygiene and as a preventive check-up.

Which dentist is accepting new patients ?

At Oral Clinic, we’re always happy to welcome new patients! Whether you need a routine check-up or a specific treatment, our team is ready to provide you with quality dental care. Don’t hesitate to contact us to book your first appointment.

What’s the difference between a dentist and a stomatologist ?

Dentists, or dental specialists mainly look after your teeth and gums, providing treatments such as fillings, scaling and tooth whitening. A stomatologist, on the other hand, is a specialist who deals with more complex problems affecting the whole mouth and jaw, such as oral cavity surgery. At Oral Clinic, our dentists are trained and competent in all types of treatment, from basic dental care to oral surgery or stomatology.

What is the difference between a dentist and an orthodontist ?

Your dentist looks after the general health of your teeth, while an orthodontist specialises in aligning your teeth and jaws.
Do you need braces or smile straightening ? Then you need an orthodontist. For regular check-ups or treatment of cavities, the dentist is the place to go.
At Oral Clinic, our dentists and our team are trained in certain simple orthodontic treatments for aesthetic needs. This is made possible by technology such as aligner trays.

What is a cavity ?

A cavity is a hole in a tooth caused by bacteria that attack the enamel, the tooth’s protective layer, by producing acid. If left untreated, decay can cause pain and damage to the teeth. It usually develops from dental plaque that is not removed by regular brushing and inadequate oral hygiene.

How does a dentist treat a cavity ?

If you have a cavity, we treat it by removing the damaged part of the tooth and then filling it with a filling material. This is usually a quick and effective way to save your tooth. At Oral Clinic, we strive to make your treatment as gentle and comfortable as possible!

At what age should I have my teeth descale ?

We recommend descaling every year from the age of 6, although the frequency may vary depending on the child’s individual needs.

What is a root treatment ?

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontics, is a common dental procedure used to save a damaged or infected tooth. When a tooth is badly decayed or damaged, the inner part of the tooth called the pulp (which contains nerves and blood vessels), can become infected or swollen.

Root canal treatment involves removing this damaged pulp from the tooth. The dentist carefully cleans the inside of the tooth and then fills and seals the space to prevent further infection.

This procedure relieves pain and saves the tooth from having to be extracted. Root canal treatment is very common and, with proper care, can last for many years or even a lifetime.

What’s the difference between an inlay and an onlay ?

Inlays and onlays are both dental restorations used to repair changes or damage to teeth, but they cover different parts of the tooth.

Inlay : Think of it as a special filling that fits into the tips (or cusps) of the tooth. If part of the tooth is damaged by decay, for example, the inlay replaces it, but only on the inside of the cusps.

Onlay : This is a bit like an extension of the inlay. It not only covers the inside of the cusps, also extends above them, covering one or more cusps.

What is periodontal ?

The term “periodontal” refers to everything to do with the tissues that surround and support the teeth

Periodontal treatment is a thorough cleaning to treat and cure an infectious gum disease called periodontitis. This treatment is needed when the gums and tissues that surround and support the teeth are infected or damaged. The aim is to clean out the pockets of infection, remove tartar and plaque from under the gums, and sometimes treat certain areas surgically to ensure the health of the whole mouth.

What is the difference between a crown and an implant ?

In summary, dental implantation is the first step in placing an artificial root into the jawbone, while the crown is placed to restore the missing tooth once the implant has healed. These two procedures are often combined to provide a complete tooth replacement solution.

What do TMJ problems mean ?

Temporomandibular joint problems, or “TMJ problems”, are concerns that affect an important joint in the jaw. They can cause pain, strange noises when you open or close your mouth, or even difficulty opening your mouth fully.

These problems can be intermittent (i.e. they appear from time to time) or persistent (always present). Treatment depends on what is causing the problems, and can range from simple solutions to more complex treatments.

What is the difference between a panoramic radiograph and a 3D Cone Beam radiograph ?

The main difference between these two types of radiograph is the size of the image obtained and the detail of the information provided. Panoramic radiography provides a 2D overview of the mouth, while CBCT provides a detailed 3D image, making it a valuable tool for more complex dental procedures. However, because of the slightly higher radiation dose, CBCT is generally reserved for cases where three-dimensional visualisation is required for accurate diagnosis or planning.

When should laughing gas be recommended ?

    • For people who are anxious about dental treatment, to help them feel calm and relaxed.
    • During certain potentially uncomfortable procedures, to minimise pain and ensure a more pleasant experience for the patient.
    • For children who become nervous or upset during a visit to the dentist. Nitrous oxide can help to relax them and ensure a positive experience for younger children.

How can I join Oral Clinic ?

Our dental practice is ideally located in the center of Lausanne, close to the train station and a short walk from the Georgette bus stop. The entrance to the building is in the alleyway that used to lead to the Longeraie office.

Whether you prefer to come by car or by public transport, our dental center is within easy reach.

By car :

Public parking Bellefontaine 2 minutes’ walk away

By public transport :

TL Bus : Lines 1, 2,4, 8, 9 et 12 – Stop Georgette
Train : Lausanne SBB station 7 minutes’ walk away

What are Oral Clinic’s opening times ?

Our dental clinic is open on the following days and at the following times :

Monday : 8h00 – 17h30
Tuesday : 8h00 – 18h00
Wednesday : 8h00 – 16h30
Thursday : 8h00 – 16h30
Friday : 7h00 – 16h00

What to do in a dental emergency ?

At Oral Clinic, we guarantee you an appointment within 24 hours and, if possible, on the same day !
Are you looking for a dentist in Lausanne for a dental emergency ?
Oral Clinic welcomes you, whether or not you are already a patient with us.

How can I overcome my fear of the dentist ?

It’s normal to feel a little anxious before a visit to the dentist. At Oral Clinic, we create a reassuring environment to help you relax. Don’t hesitate to share your concerns, we’re here to listen and adapt our care to your comfort. For those who are more anxious, we suggest using laughing gas or listening to music during certain treatments.

Can I go to the dentist when I’m pregnant ?

Yes, it’s advisable to see your dentist if you’re pregnant! Dental care is important for maintaining good oral health, which is good for you and your baby. At Oral Clinic, we take extra precautions to ensure the safety of your treatment during pregnancy. Please let us know about your condition so that we can tailor our care to your specific needs.

What is the difference between a dentist and a dental surgeon ?

Actually, there isn’t much difference. All dentists are trained dental surgeons. This means they have the skills to carry out routine dental care as well as certain surgical procedures. Whatever you need, you’ll be in good hands at Oral Clinic !

Are there dentists for children at Oral Clinic ?

Of course we do ! At Oral Clinic, we have dentists who specialise in children’s dental care. The whole team is dedicated to making dental visits fun and stress-free for your little ones. From initial check-ups to more specialised care, we make sure that every experience is positive, gentle and age-appropriate. For the more anxious, we suggest using laughing gas or listening to music during certain treatments.
And to help make the wait a little bit more enjoyable, there are games and books for children in the waiting room.

How to prevent cavities ?

Cavities are often caused by bacteria and plaque. To prevent them, good oral hygiene is essential: brush your teeth two or three times a day, use dental floss and don’t forget to visit your dentist for a tartar removal (at least once a year). At the Oral Clinic, we’ll give you personalised, tailor-made advice!

How often should I descale ?

Scaling is generally recommended every 6 months to 1 year. For people with more serious dental or periodontal problems may require more frequent scaling.

What is the GBT method ?

GBT stands for Guided Biofilm Therapy. Developed by the company EMS, it is a modern, systematic and gentle method of removing dental biofilm, stains and tartar. Biofilm is a layer of bacteria that forms on the surface of teeth.
Our dental hygienists use this technique to clean your teeth thoroughly and painlessly, for both children and adults alike. It works effectively on all teeth, including implants and reconstructed teeth.

When should I have a root treatment ?

A root treatment is usually needed when the inner part of the tooth, called the pulp, becomes infected or damaged. Here are some common situations that may require a root canal treatment :

    • Persistent pain : If you have constant or pulsating pain in a tooth, this may indicate a pulp infection.
    • Temperature sensitivity : Persistent sensitivity to heat or cold, even after the temperature source has been removed, may be a sign of infection.
    • Tooth discolouration : A tooth that is getting darker may indicate a problem inside the tooth.
    • Swollen gums : Swollen or painful gums around a particular tooth may indicate an infection.
    • Broken or chipped tooth: If a tooth is badly damaged by trauma or decay, the pulp may be exposed and infected, requiring root canal treatment.
    • Tooth abscess: The presence of an abscess (a pocket of pus) on the gums often indicates a serious infection that may require root canal treatment.

It is important to see your dentist if you have any of these symptoms. Prompt treatment is essential to relieve pain and prevent further damage to the tooth and surrounding tissues.

How does laser work ?

Low-power laser treatment can be used by a dentist in several ways. It stimulates the body’s cells to produce more energy and regenerate faster, a process known as biostimulation. Lasers are also useful for disinfecting the gums or roots of teeth during root canal treatment. They also reduce bleeding when making incisions in soft tissue.

These lasers may also be recommended to relieve pain and promote the healing of mouth ulcers. They work by causing a chemical reaction in the tissues of the mouth in response to the laser light, which stimulates oxygen production, speeds up healing and reduces pain.

What are dental veneers ?

A veneer is a thin ceramic shell that is custom-made to cover the visible surface of a tooth. It is specifically designed to improve the appearance of a tooth by masking aesthetic imperfections or correcting minor dental problems.

Dental veneers are an ideal solution for covering stained or discoloured teeth, restoring chipped teeth, correcting the appearance of slightly misaligned teeth or filling gaps between teeth.

How does laughing gas work ?

When inhaled, laughing gas acts quickly, giving a feeling of well-being, relaxation and calm. However, the patient remains conscious and able to communicate with the nursing staff. Once the procedure is complete, the effects of the gas wear off quickly, allowing the patient to resume normal activities.

These problems may be intermittent (appearing from time to time) or persistent (always present). Treatment depends on what is causing the problems, and can range from simple solutions to more complex treatments.

How much will my dental treatment cost ?

The pricing of dental treatment in Switzerland can be confusing. Prices vary from one practice to another and depend on the complexity and duration of the treatment. What’s more, prices are based on the tariff point system (TARMED), which sets the rates for various medical procedures, including dental treatment.
When choosing a dentist, make sure you understand their pricing policy and check whether your additional dental insurance covers the costs. It’s also a good idea to ask for a precise estimate for any treatment you are considering, to avoid any financial surprises.

At Oral Clinic, our priority is to provide our patients with quality dental care at a reasonable cost. To achieve this, we have a fair, transparent and competitive pricing policy. The tariff point value we use is 1.10, based on the official Swiss tariffs, in accordance with the DENTOTAR tariff point system. We believe in total transparency, so that our patients understand how their fees are calculated. We provide detailed estimates for all treatments offered, so that our patients know exactly what to expect in terms of costs.

Don’t forget that prevention is essential when it comes to dental care. Regular visits to the dentist and proper brushing and flossing will help maintain good oral health and can reduce long-term costs.

If you have any specific questions about dental pricing at Oral Clinic or would like to discuss your personal situation, please contact us. We’ll be happy to help you make informed decisions about your dental care.